IIMA PGPX Interview Questions, Real Experiences and Preparation Tips

In IIMA PGPX Interview, Admissions Committee looks for participants who will contribute proactively and share the insights they have gained throughout their professional and personal experience. A competitive applicant manages to demonstrate a clear desire for intellectual growth, both in the classroom and through working on group projects. The Committee takes into consideration the applicant’s professional background, including progression in their career, academic preparedness, accomplishments and strong interpersonal skills.

IIM Ahmadabad advise candidates to aim for a score at or above the 70th-75th percentile for both the quantitative and verbal sections of the GMAT/GRE. Please keep in mind, however, that standardized tests are just one of several admission criteria. A high score does not guarantee admission, and a below average score does not eliminate a candidate.

The IIMA PGPX Interview is quite intensive. IIMA itself says that the interview is a key factor used to not just validate what applicants say in their application and their essays, but also to determine leadership potential, key strengths, and overall fit with the program. With a selection ratio of 1:3, the interview process is guaranteed to be rigorous, probing, and selective.

IIMA PGPX Interview Experience 1

The interview is generally quite short, as compared to global B-school interviews or PGP interviews. My interview lasted 15–20 min. There were 2 professors on 1 panel with 4 panels operating simultaneously.

This year applicants were asked to draw a chit of paper from a bowl. Each chit had a random current affairs topic on it. You have an option to draw a chit second time if the previous topic was not to your liking. You can’t draw a chit a third time.

I did not know enough facts to present a very compelling defence or critique of the topic. Hence, I instead used specific examples (that I knew) related to the topic to make points. One of the professors told me that I was generalizing too much based on specific examples. It is much better to be factually accurate and generalize a little than to be caught being factually inaccurate. Overall considering my knowledge on the subject, I performed quite well.

The actual Q&A session after the extempore lasted maybe 5–6 min tops.

Why MBA and why PGPEX?

There were another couple of questions related to current job, salary etc. All single line answers.

If you say that you want a career switch and you have 5+ years’ experience, be prepared to defend it. It was difficult to gauge if I was convincing. I was not asked if I had any questions for the panel

IIMA PGPX Interview Experience 2

The interview panel had 2 professors. They had already gone through my profile and my essays before they began. The interview started with a discussion of the second essay, on the leadership experience I had put in. Prof 1 wanted to know more details while Prof 2 was skeptical about some of the things I had done. I explained to them what I had done and why.

Prof 2 was still not convinced. He asked me a few questions on my career goals, why MBA etc., all of which I had practiced. Then he asked me why I had not applied to a US school. I replied with an answer on costs and wanting to work in India, so he asked me if I had applied to ISB. I said yes, so he asked me which I would choose between ISB and IIMA and why. I was halfway through this when Prof 1 asked me about my favourite subjects. Some discussion on teachers at IIMA and ISB (they did not criticize or favour either school at any stage). A few more questions on career goals and what I will contribute, and I was done. Strangely they did not ask if I had any questions at the end. Received the admit some days later and took it.

Frequently Asked Questions in Personal Interview

  1. Why MBA & Why PGPX
  2. Why do you want to do MBA at this stage in your life/ career? Are you applying because you are motivated or is it about earning higher salary?
  3. One reason why we should not select you?
  4. Have you applied to any US school? Have you applied to ISB? If yes then which one would you choose and why.
  5. What are your short- and long-term career goals? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  6. Why did you choose to work in this field after graduation?
  7. Suppose you are the CEO of an organization and someone comes up with a new idea and you have absolutely no idea about it. How will you react to it.
  8. Talk about a situation at workplace where you have demonstrated leadership