Georgetown University McDonough School of Business

Average GMAT Score 669 GMAT Range 620-710
Total Applicants 354 Acceptance Rate
Class Size 133 Average Work Experience 64 months
Application Deadlines R1:10-Oct-2014
Decision Dates R1:20-Dec-2014
Length of Program 22 Months Placement Information

Georgetown University, McDonough Business School is one of the top 50 global Business School. It is ranked as 36th in Financial times global MBA ranking 2014. Faculties in Georgetown University excel at solving critical business issues. Georgetown University, McDonough Business School is the world’s leading academic and research institutions.

Following are the MBA essays of Georgetown University McDonough School of Business of year 2014:

Essay 1: Why You? (Hint: we are looking for an answer that cannot be found from research on our website) (750 words or fewer)

Optional Essay 1: If you are not currently employed full-time, use this essay to provide information about your current activities. (250 words or fewer)

Optional Essay 2: Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included. (500 words or fewer)

Essay (Re-applicant):  How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application? We are particularly interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally. (500 words or fewer)

If you need help with Essay Writing or Interview Process, please fill up Quick Inquiry form (on right).